GAME-conference edition ’23 – Chris Doran
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Chris Doran, founder of Geomerics, writer of GA4CS and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences at the Sidney…
door studenten Journalistiek Howest
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Chris Doran, founder of Geomerics, writer of GA4CS and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences at the Sidney…
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Johannes Brandstetter, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Senior Researcher at Microsoft.
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet David Eelbode, professor of mathematics at the Antwerp University.
You talked about hiding the geometry. Since geometric algebra is mostly about making it easier to visualise, why would you ever want to prevent that? You would not, because that’s indeed…
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Steven De Keninck.
Soulslikes veroverden het voorbije decennium de gamewereld. Hoe en waarom werkte dit soms vreselijk frustrerende genre zich tot de top van de videospelindustrie?
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Leo Dorst, professor at the University of Amsterdam and Author of GA4CS.
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet Hamish Todd, mathematician and senior research engineer at Imagination Technologies.
The Game23 conference featured pioneers in the world of geometric algebra. Meet them all and find your way to their interviews.
Els De Ro uit Harelbeke vond tijdens de energiecrisis de perfecte oplossing om haar gasrekening laag te houden, met dank aan haar zonnepanelen en een elektrisch vuurtje.